hey, how're you doing today? good, how are you? i'm good. i'm tyson from bulwark. just here to spray the house for you. i'm here to do the initial service on your house. i'll spray the inside and outside. any issuesor anything i should really know about? no, it's been good so far. okay, good. well, i'll just do my thing. i'll do the outside and then i'll just come in and take care of the inside for you. okay. alright? thank you. yeah, no problem.
ace hardware phoenix, so, thomas ballantyne. matt.matt sultilla. how's it going? and matt is the man we met a few months ago at a conference, and i've been thoroughly impressed with matt. so, since i've seen his mad skills, i thoughti'd come out and try to impress him with some of our mad pest control skills. so, a coupleof things about scorpions, most people like
to know how scorpions get inside the house.and thats one of the main things people ask us whenever they call us up. well, how'rethey getting side the house? you know, i don't see them very often. why are they comingin? scorpions feed on other insects. they walk around the house. they're really, reallysensitive to moisture because, living in the desert, that's how they have to survive. so,they'll walk by your house and all along these stucco walls, you'll get, you have what'scalled a j-rail. and if you look at this, if you zoom in here, you see that, see thatcrack in there? you can actually stick a pen all the way up in here, that's your j-railand it goes all along the bottom of your house. so, and what they use that for is they usethat let the moisture out of the house, out
of the walls. so you don t build up mildewand all that inside your walls. because inside your house, you've got the ac running, it'scool inside the house, and so when the scorpions walk by, they can actually feel this moisturecoming out of the house and they're drawn into the house. in fact, that s one of themain areas, besides under the j-rails and getting up into your walls, the other mainareas they come through is under your doors. if you would close the door here. you knowhow secure we think our houses are. i'm not going to break into the house. i'm not goingto show you that trick. but, as secure as we think that houses are, you can slide a credit card straight through there. i'd imagine so basically what you're saying is if youcan stick a credit card through, the scorpion can fit through. exactly,
they can fit through, i think if it's one-sixteenth of an inch, ascorpion can slide through that. they can collapse and just slip right on in. alrightyou're all set. excellent, thank you very much. everything outside and in should be taken care of. anything else i can do for you? no, excellent. you know, things havebeen good. just want the bugs gone. oh yeah. well, that should do the trick. if you seeany issues or anything in a few weeks after everything s been settled, you know, you mightsee a little bit of activity, but you know, if you're still seeing some bugs inside oroutside, just feel free to give us a call and we'll come back out and take care of it.thank you very much alright. yeah, no problem.
have a good one. you, too.